
Root Canals – What to Know About the Procedure?

Teeth may decay or get infected due to various reasons. Such teeth should not be left alone because they can affect the neighboring tooth as well. The nerves of these teeth will be infected, inflamed, and also irritated, and cannot be restored easily without the help of proper care, and one such options is a root canal procedure.

For the best root canal procedure, you can find the best dentists in your locality. Cypress, TX residents can find the best root canal specialist by visiting the official website of Orion Dental Specialties. They offer the best services for patients and can offer expert root canal option for them, you can visit their site to know more.


The procedure is followed as follows. 

  • The root pulp of the damaged teeth is completely removed to clean the infected part.
  • When this is done, the damaged tooth will become sensitive and more infected.

The nerves in the tooth work only when there is sensitivity for hot and cold. When tooth sprouts from the gum layer, the work of the nerves will be done. Hence, there will be no difference even when there is no work of nerves in a tooth.

Dental Pulp

The pulp chamber is the location where there is the presence of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The legs and the roots are the regions where there will be the presence of nerves in the tooth. The root canal will move to the pulp chamber from the tooth’s tip. The root canal dentist will work from here while performing the procedure.

Removal of the tooth pulp

Due to the breakdown of the nerves tissue in a tooth, bacteria will gain access to the enamel. With the availability of the required nutrients, they begin to multiply and take over the entire inner structure of the infected tooth. As a result, there will be pus buildup in the tooth resulting in an abscess.

The additional effects of an abscess include, 

  • Loss of bone surrounding the root tip.
  • Swelling around the tooth, neck, face, and head.
  • Drainage issues will arise over time. You will find a hole appearing from the root or the side region of the infected tooth.

Requirement for root canal procedure

Here are some of the instances that will make your dentist suggest a root canal procedure.

  • Pain when you apply pressure on a tooth or toothache when you chew anything
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold even when the food item reaches the room temperature
  • Darkening or discoloration of the root
  • Tenderness or swelling in the gum region
  • A recurring pimple that is persistent
  • Cracked or chipped tooth

The procedure

Here is a brief explanation of the process of root canals management.

  • An x-ray of the damaged tooth is needed to determine the severity of the infection.
  • A rubber dam will be placed on the location to make sure that there will be no intrusion of saliva during the process.
  • Drilling through the tooth will be followed to remove the completely infected part of the tooth. This is followed by the spraying of sodium hypochlorite to remove the debris.
  • Installation of gutta percha as the filler substance into the root canal is done to start the treatment.

The final procedure will be the tooth restoration to help the tooth that is completely damaged because of the bacterial infection.

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